A perfect equality and peace of the soul is indispensable to change the whole substance of our being into substance of the self out of its present stuff of troubled mentality. It is equally indispensable if we aspire to replace our present confused and ignorant action by the self-possessed and luminous works of a free spirit governing its nature and in tune with universal being.
- Sri Aurobindo


This is an online course on understanding the core meaning of samatvaṁ yoga ucyate of the Gita and putting it in to practice in day to day life. The course is designed in a manner that it throws much light on the idea of EQUALITY (samatva) and ONENESS (ekatva) as envisioned by the seers and sages of the past. The discussions will be based on the materials selected from the Vedas, Upanishads, the Gita and the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.


  • Day 1: Introduction (what is samatva and ekatva)
  • Day 2: Yogic Equality as the Foundation of inner progress
  • Day 3: Equality of Mind, Heart and the Vital and the Spiritual Equality
  • Day 4: Concept of sthitaprajñatā or Steadiness of Intelligence in Wisdom
  • Day 5: Concept of nistraiguṇya or Transcendence of Three Gunas
  • Day 6: How to practice Equality in Day to Day Life - Guidelines