Sri Aurobindo - The Rishi Of India's Renaissance - Module - 5

A Year-Long Course On His Life & Works

Language: English, Hindi

Instructors: Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Duration:  1 Month (Recorded Lecture)

Validity Period: 122 days

₹1000 including GST


Sri Aurobindo’s teachings transcend time and space. As we approach the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo, on 15th August 2022, this 150 hours course will reflect on his life & diverse works in the fields of politics, Indian civilisation & its renaissance, education, arts & literature, consciousness and evolution, Integral Yoga, Vedas and shastras among many others. It attempts to spread Sri Aurobindo’s knowledge for solving contemporary problems and attaining spiritual unity of mankind. This course will give you an insight on the thoughts of one of the greatest intellectuals to tread amongst us.

Module 5: An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo’s Social and Political Philosophy

  • 12 Sessions
  • 1 Instructors
  • 5 – 6 PM IST, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

  1. An Overview of Sri Aurobindo’s Ideal of Human Unity
  2. The Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo
  3. The Ideal Law of Social Development
  4. The Objective and Subjective View of LIfe
  5. The Spiritual Aim of Life
  6. Understanding Civilization and Culture
  7. Unity in Diversity – Law and Liberty
  8. Satyam Shivam Sundram – The Suprarational Ultimate, Good and Beauty
  9. The Advent and Progress of the Spiritual Age
  10. Self and Society – Sri Aurobindo’s Perspective
  11. The Idea of True Globalisation
  12. Understanding the Evolution of Consciousness


Devdip Ganguli

Faculty , Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education